
Crate Configuration

The table below lists the settings available for each crate, their types and default values (if the default is not empty):

cap-add array of strings capabilities to enable for the container
cap-drop array of strings capabilities to disable for the container
copy-groups array of strings groups to copy from the host to the container
env table of strings mapping from environment variable name to value
env-blacklist array of strings host environment variables to drop
env-whitelist array of strings host environment variables to keep
groups array of strings groups the user should be in
hostname string hostname for container (default: “dev”)
image string name of image to create container from
mount-home bool should /home be mounted into container (default: true)
ports array of strings ports to be exposed from container (-p option to docker)
project-mount string path to mount project in container
setup-post string script to run in container after unpacking tarballs
setup-pre string script to run in container before running tarballs
setup-prep string script to run locally before the other setup
shell string shell to use in the container
tarballs table of strings mapping from tarball location to install location
tmpfs array of strings paths in the container where tmpfs should be mounted
volumes array of strings list of volume mounts (-v option to docker)
working-dir string method to use to set working dir (default: “match”)

Add additional Linux capabilities to the container. The list of possible values can be found in the docker run reference (

For example to add the ability to use ptrace inside the container:

cap-add = ["SYS_PTRACE"]

Drop normally enabled Linux capabilities from the container. The list of possible values can be found in the docker run reference (

For example to drop the ability to bind to privileged ports:

cap-drop = ["NET_BIND_SERVICE."]



Specify environment variables to be set in the container. This consists of a table, where the keys are the variable names and the values are the variable values. For example to set SOME_VARIABLE to “some value”:

    "SOME_VARIABLE" = "some value"

Local Configuration

In addition to the shared project configuration each user can have a local configuration. This configuration allows changing the Docker URL, and adding extra steps to the container setup.

docker-url = "file:///var/run/docker.sock"

    project = ".*/test"
    setup-prep = """
        echo "LOCAL PREP: $*"

    setup-pre = """
        echo "LOCAL PRE"

    setup-post = """
        echo "LOCAL POST"

        "path/to/tarball.tgz" = "/path/in/container/to/unpack"

        "LOCAL_CRATE_ENV" = "true"

    setup-prep = """
        echo "LOCAL PREP: $*"

    setup-pre = """
        echo "LOCAL PRE"

    setup-post = """
        echo "LOCAL POST"

        "LOCAL_CRATE_ENV" = "true"

The available settings are:

docker-url The URL to use to connect to Docker
setups project a regular expression that much match the project path for this setup to be applies. If not specified, then “.*” is used.
crate a regular expression that must match the crate name for this setup to be applied. If not specified, then “.*” is used.
setup-prep script to run locally before doing anything else
setup-pre script to run remotely before unpacking tarballs
setup-post script to run remotely after unpacking tarballs
tarballs a table to tarballs to be unpacked into the container, mapping tarball path to target path in the container
env a table of environment variables to set in the container, mapping name to value